Invoq Stackit

Invoq Stackit



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Stackit makes it possible to double your capacity without using more of your valuable floor space.

When stacking two ovens, you gain maximum flexibility. You can easily work in different cooking modes without it requiring more working space. You can roast lamb in the upper oven, while steaming potatoes in the bottom oven.

With Stackit you can achieve:

  • 40% more capacity with the same power supply
  • 50% savings in power in low-peak hours

Mix Oven Sizes: 

6-1/1 + 6-1/1*
6-2/1 + 6-2/1
10-1/1 + 6-1/1*
10-2/1 + 6-2/1

*Also possible with Pass Through models upon request, factory-built.

Mix Streaming Technology: 

Combi Steam + Combi Steam
Hybrid Steam + Hybrid Steam
Combi Steam + Hybrid Steam